Hello Everyone!
I am Elizabeth Jennings, The Minister Of Beauty (TM)! My journey in life has not always been smooth. I was a teenage mother, and from there transitioned to a Legal Assistant straight out of High School. Then I decided I wanted to be in a different field to have a fulfilling career, so I transitioned to the industry of wellness and beauty. From a Massage Therapist to a Licensed Esthetician, I have had a a fulfilling career and still do as a beauty business entrepreneur, but as The Minister Of Beauty (TM) I want to share more with everyone! From business perspectives, to beauty, to inspiration, to life and enjoyment, I will have all those aspects here for you bundled up in one beautiful blog! So join me here weekly and share with everyone you know, as your friends I consider my friends as well! Let’s go on this journey together!
Life in the World of Business has not been easy, but it has been worth it! The anointing I have been blessed with to be a blessing to others through the world of beauty business entrepreneurship has truly been amazing. I have been an entrepreneur since 2006 and since that time, have had the opportunity to leave a line of work I was not passionate about, and build a business that has given others amazing opportunities. On this blog I will share stories about business and provoking thoughts to help you along your journey in entrepreneurship or as a faithful dedicated employee.
We are not on this Earth to pass through, but to make a difference so that it is a better place for those who come after us. I have learned in life that no matter the situations that I encounter, for the good, the bad or the ugly, it was not about it. It was to help someone else. Having the blessing to inspire others is truly what my mission as the Minister Of Beauty is all about. Inspiration is like showering, we must do it on a daily basis. Like Phyllis Diller said, a smile is a curve that makes everything straight! On this blog I will share inspirational moments and things to help you along your journey in life, because let’s face it, we live in a pretty harsh world and we all need inspirational injection along the way.
Beauty truly is in the Eye of the Beholder, so you must look in the mirror and Behold Yourself! I have learned over the years that I may not fit into society’s molds of conventional beauty because I do not look like a “model”. But I have allowed my God to mold me into the greatest person He says I am, and because I am learning to accept who He created me to be, that Beauty shines through no matter how I may be feeling! On this blog I will share beauty tips, reviews of products and recommendations as well as thought provoking moments about what beauty truly is.
Life has it’s rainstorms, so you might as well learn to dance in the rain, right?! I have experienced many storms and low moments in my life. But I know that those hard experiences have allowed me to be strengthened into the woman that I am today, and no matter what I encounter, I know that my faith is allowing me to overcome them all. I will share some of my life’s journey moments with you here and other moments in life to give you something to think about and inspire your mind for greater so you can achieve more in life.
Life has it’s rainstorms, so you might as well learn to dance in the rain, right?! I have experienced many storms and low moments in my life. But I know that those hard experiences have allowed me to be strengthened into the woman that I am today, and no matter what I encounter, I know that my faith is allowing me to overcome them all. I will share some of my life’s journey moments with you here and other moments in life to give you something to think about and inspire your mind for greater so you can achieve more in life.

What’s New Now?

Don’t Worry About The Negative Said About Your Business | Those Who Matter Will See What’s Real
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQ_-S5MEgu4&list=PL6QNSGltWyhY2K394Lqq5s1Bg5z7APBXh&index=71 262 views Dec 20, 2022 I wanted to encourage you and share a business story time about how people will try to disparage your business, but when those who matter...