They Counted You Out Now BUT Will Celebrate You Later. . . Don’t Quit!

They Counted You Out Now BUT Will Celebrate You Later. . . Don’t Quit!

Yesterday I went to a thrift store I hadn’t been to in a long time. I actually went in to get some old scrubs because I just wanted to get some things that I could wear when I’m working with the dogs and when I’m doing things with the dogs in the backyard because my husband has Staffordshire bull terriers, so they like to jump on me and things and they always get my clothes all messed up. So I said, you know what, let me run into the store and see if I could just get some old scrubs.

Anyway, the girl behind the counter, she looked a little familiar to me, but I wasn’t sure if I knew who she was or not, but I just kept it moving. So when I found what I needed and I went up to the counter, she greeted, you know, she made sure I heard her say hello. I greeted her back. But anyway, she was very friendly. She was ringing up my stuff and then, you know, she was like, I really want to put the scrubs together. It’s nice that you found some sets because they don’t allow us to put the tops and the bottoms together. But she asked me what I did for a living and I told her what I do.

I said I’m an esthetician. And she said, Oh wow, okay. She said, well, where do you work? So I told her the name of the business that I work in and then she proceeded to ask me, Oh, do you just work there or do you own the business? That’s not a normal question for somebody to ask someone when they say they worked somewhere. But I thought she was just kind of fishing because she might have recognized me or something.

Well, when I told her, I said, well yeah, I work there, but I do also own the business. And then she started telling me how she’s like, I don’t know if you remember me, but I used to work at a salon and spa years ago. She said the name of it. And she said, you know, it was a very long time ago. I’m not sure if you remember the place.

And I said, yeah, I remember it. I used to work there. I rented a space in the building. And so she said, okay, yeah, I thought you seemed familiar. But she said, wow, I hear so many good things about your business. And you know, and I had heard years ago that a girl who used to work at that salon and spa opened up the business and that it was doing really. So I just thought I would ask you and see if you remembered the place that we used to work at. And I said, yeah, I do. I remember it was a long time ago, but I definitely remember it and she said, well that’s great. Like congratulations. And she was very nice and just said a lot of Nice things about the business that she has heard over the years.

So she said, you have a really great reputation. I hear nothing but good things about it. Well, I’m saying all that to say that this girl, she was very friendly in the store, but it turns out she was someone that was not very nice to me back in the day. I’m not sure if it was just me or it was because she just didn’t know who I was, and didn’t know me at all. So she was not, she wasn’t friendly at all. Whenever I would walk in, if she was there, when I would greet her, she would just look very stone cold, just right at me and not greet back. And I didn’t understand it. It was like, Whoa, what’s that about? Like why is she like that? Is it, you know, it wasn’t something that I did. Is She just like that with me? I don’t know.

It didn’t really matter a whole lot. I continued to do what I was doing with my business. Starting very small, starting as a solo practitioner, working in the salon and spa amongst a lot of other people. But she was just not nice at all. And to see the same person today who didn’t even acknowledge my presence back in the day was so friendly to me on yesterday and not only friendly to me in terms of complimenting me and the good things that she’s heard about my business, but also saying, you know, I’m going to give you our employee discount and you know, things I didn’t ask for that was like, you know, a kind gesture that she gave me. But I was like, wow. And I talked to one of my employees about it and I even told my mom about it and I said, you know, it’s just funny because the same person who was not nice to me years ago was so congratulatory with me on yesterday, was super friendly.

I just wanted to encourage somebody, if you don’t quit the same people who counted you out years ago, will be congratulating you later. It is not a big thing. I don’t sweat stuff like that. I wasn’t like, Oh wow, okay. Back in the day you didn’t like me, didn’t acknowledge me. You wouldn’t even say hello to me, but now you’re super friendly and you know, you’re congratulating me and you’re offering me, you know, discounts and stuff like that. Like I took it humbly. I didn’t gloat about it and I didn’t remind her of how I thought she wasn’t very nice to me back in the day. That’s water under the bridge for me, I do know how to move on. I really don’t hold grudges, but it’s just something to think about as something to realize and know that you’re going to come against a lot of obstacles in your business journey and in your life.

A lot of people are going to count you out. They’re going to make you seem as if you’re nobody. You’re nothing. You can’t do what you want to do and you know, and they won’t even acknowledge your presence, but then you continue to go at it and you continue to do what you’re doing and then you reach levels of success, some greater than others, but you reached the levels of success that other people will be able to witness it and knowledge and they cannot deny you. They cannot doubt you even if they tried to. People who counted you out before, they will be congratulating you later. So that’s just a quick moment of inspiration for you all from me, The Minister Of Beauty. If you have been counted out and now you’re winning and people are congratulating you now, let me know. Hey, I’m not really seeing the success that I want to see Yet, but I’m not going to quit because those same people that counted me out, they will be congratulating later.

Beauty, Blessings & Prosperity,

Closed Doors Are Opportunities, not Dead Ends! 💃🏾

Closed Doors Are Opportunities, not Dead Ends! 💃🏾

You may have had some doors closed in your face, in your life, in your business, in your school that you’re attending and it can feel very discouraging. I know because I’ve been there on a number of occasions in my life, seriously, but I’m here to tell you from my own personal and business scenarios that closed doors do not mean dead ends and they can be great opportunities for you to start over to do something different. I had a number of doors closed in my face, like I said, over the years, but especially in 2018 I had a number of things that turned around a number of people that did different things and closed the doors on me and it was hurtful for a moment. I did feel like, well, is this it? Is this the end?

But I soon picked myself back up and I realized that, you know what, I didn’t get into this because these people were the ones that told me to do this. I got into this because I knew that I had a vision and a plan and God has something greater for me. So just because they may have closed the doors doesn’t mean that it’s a dead end. It just means it’s an opportunity for me to regroup. I think about things a little bit differently, make some plans, arrangements that are going to turn some things around and it’s absolutely turning around. So again, close doors do not mean dead ends. They can be great opportunities for success. Think about some of the greats in business who have had situations that happen to them, but they became more super successful than other people could have ever imagined or dreamed and sometimes maybe even bigger than they even imagined or dreamed.

So don’t see a closed door as a dead end. See it as an opportunity. Seize on the moment, do your research, get coaching, mentoring whatever you need to do to help you because you can’t do it all alone. You do need help, and watch things start to flourish and turn around in your life. And then be thankful for that closed door as an open opportunity.

Let me know some situations that you’ve had where you had a door close in your life, whether it was personal or business, and how you overcame it, or if you’re still going through. If you would like to schedule a chat with me, you can do so here.

Beauty, Blessings & Prosperity,

Don’t Be Ashamed Of Success! You Must Share Your Story & Glory

Don’t Be Ashamed Of Success! You Must Share Your Story & Glory

I am a successful beauty business entrepreneur and it did not come easy, but it came and it’s continuing to come. But for many years I was really ashamed of talking about the success that I have obtained and you don’t have to tell somebody how much money you’re making or how much was in your bank accounts or any of that stuff. Cause honestly I just have boundaries and I feel like there’s certain things that you share and certain things that you just don’t, I don’t care how much someone is paying you or how much someone likes you. There are just some things that don’t need to be shared with everyone. But I didn’t feel that I was worthy of sharing the successes that I gained because I felt like at one point that it was something that if I said I would be bragging, and I didn’t feel comfortable with it.

Here’s why you have to share your story and glory. It’s cool to talk about the struggles and to let people know what and where you may have fallen short or you may have failed. But it’s even more important sometimes to share it with people from the failures and from the shortcomings, the success that you have achieved and the glory that you have received. And when I talk about glory, I’m talking about the stuff, the, you know, the money, the blessings, the higher levels, all of those things. That’s the glory. You know, that’s just some of it I should say. You have to share that because it’s not just for you, it’s to help somebody else. You never know who is going to be inspired by you, who needs to hear what you have gone through and how you overcame it and how you obtained the victory.

Because there’s somebody that’s going to walk that same path that you have walked. And actually, there may be many people who will walk that same path that you walked and they need to know that somebody like them experienced similar situations and made it out! That gives them hope. And they can say, well, if that person did it, I definitely should be able to do this. I definitely should be able to obtain victory and not live in defeat. They will feel they can get over and above their circumstances and struggles and be greater and better than where they are right now. It gives people hope and that’s what people really need because we do live in a very dark world and discouraging society. You have people that are rooting for you to fail, so to have someone that they look up to, even if they’re younger than you, it’s not always about someone looking up to you because you are older than them.

They may be older than you and they may not have found that person in their life that they can relate with. They can say, wow, this person is doing it and they’re younger than me. If they can do it and I’m still here, it’s not too late for me, I should be able to do this too. So that’s why you have to share your story and your glory and do not be ashamed of it. So do you have issues with sharing your story and your glorious outcomes because you feel like you’re bragging about it or you don’t want anyone to feel that you are thinking that you’re better than them because you’re talking about the blessings that have happened in your life?

Beauty, Blessings & Prosperity,